Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Hyundai "only has 3 doors" Veloster

So Hyundai has made a new three door car, the Veloster. Now I have thought from time to time about this idea only to disregard it seconds later just on the fact that if you have three doors, why not just have four doors. Seriously, I get that it sucks when you're in a two door and getting out the car up is left up to whoever sits in the front. No one wants to leave the responsibility of letting you out to the friend who calls shotgun just to annoy you, they suck. So control your  fate, get a four door...or don't.

Like seriously, what kind of innovation is that! People in the 50's to 90's were expecting flying cars and what do we have cars with three doors. That some de-evolution if I ever believed it. If its four seats and three doors doesn't that feel off, or maybe I'm just crazy.
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